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Many of us probably first encountered the dentistry field through a trip to the elementary school dental nurse’s office. I’m hoping that this persisted with routine visits to a family dentist. However, not everyone has needed orthodontic treatment or attended an orthodontic facility. What distinguishes a dentist from an orthodontist, then, for those who do?

Orthodontist Role

Orthodontics is a subspecialty of dentistry that specialises in realigning your jaws and straightening your teeth. To make sure your mouth works correctly during eating and chewing, both are crucial. When teeth and jaws are crooked or misaligned, it can result in a variety of oral and general health difficulties, including gingivitis and digestive problems (if you can’t correctly chew your food).

Your teeth and jaws will be properly aligned by an orthodontist to reduce the possibility of issues like these emerging. This is not the same as having a dentist examine your teeth generally, fill cavities, and assist you in maintaining a proper oral hygiene regimen.

Dentist Role

Before continuing on to a graduate school of dentistry, dentists often attend college to get a pre-dentistry or pre-medical degree. Before getting qualified, dentists must complete significant training in their field, much like all other doctors. Approximately 80% of dentists engage in general dentistry. Your teeth, gums, tongue, and mouth might all have oral health issues that certified dentists can diagnose and treat. Additionally, they are capable of cleaning your teeth, but dental hygienists often do it. These are the services that dentists offer: fill cavities, remove teeth, read dental X-rays, and repair Filling and bonding teeth that are broken encourages oral health and cleanliness, among other things.


A dentist and an orthodontist have comparable primary areas of interest in oral health. The same level of care as a dentist can be given by an orthodontist working in a dental practise. They are therefore extremely similar in this regard. They both work with the teeth and gums and are regarded as physicians.


More things are different than similar. As a dental speciality, orthodontists are required to complete further education; this is comparable to a doctor doing additional education to become a surgeon. Orthodontists specialise in assisting patients with tooth alignment, adjusting their bite, or fitting them with corrective braces and gadgets. This is another distinction. A dentist will recommend an orthodontist to a patient if the patient has an overbite.

The Champion Dental Team is ready to offer you the smile you’ve always wanted, so please contact us or schedule an orthodontic appointment if you’d like to learn more. Even the consultations are free here!