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When it comes to discovering the truth about a healthy smile, reality and fiction can be difficult to distinguish. In this post, we’ll debunk many common oral health misconceptions and give you the actual information on how to maintain your teeth and gums in good shape!

Only Sugars Causes Tooth Decay

Sugar does not cause tooth decay, although it can contribute to it. As sugar breaks down, it feeds the bacteria that cause plaque in your mouth and worsens the acid that erodes the enamel of your teeth. Even if you don’t eat sugar, you can get cavities if you don’t brush and floss correctly.

Sugar generates more acid and increases the likelihood of decay if it remains in your mouth for an extended period of time, so brush your teeth and rinse your mouth after eating sweet foods. Furthermore, sugar is not the only cause of tooth decay. Sugar-free carbonated beverages, alcohol, citrus fruits, and starchy meals can also cause tooth decay. To emphasise your dental health, replace these items with vegetables and fruits high in fibre. These foods will help to rebuild the mineral content of your teeth by increasing the flow of saliva.

Only Go To The Dentist If You’re In Pain

People who do not visit the dentist on a regular basis pay the price in terms of dental health. Even if everything appears to be fine, you should see the dentist on a regular basis to prevent oral health issues. You won’t be able to see any oral health issues right away. For example, when cavities begin to form, you will not experience any discomfort right away. The greatest approach to maintaining good oral health is to get dental check-ups every six months since this is how you may catch problems before they become serious.

The Harder You Brush, The Cleaner Your Teeth

Brushing your teeth excessively hard or using an abrasive toothbrush can destroy part of the strong enamel that protects the insides of the teeth from decay and cavities. This will actually hurt your teeth rather than clean them. A soft-bristled toothbrush is always recommended by dentists.

White Teeth Are Perfectly Healthy Teeth

It is a common misunderstanding that pearly white teeth are healthy. Because everyone’s teeth aren’t the same natural hue, having white teeth isn’t the gold standard for optimum oral health. Natural tooth colour varies in brightness and is particularly affected by our age. If one individual has whiter teeth than another, it does not imply that they have superior dental hygiene. Zero cavities and fresh breath are primary indicators of healthy dental health.

Champion Dental offers high-quality dental care services that are customised to your specific needs. For dental treatment in Porirua, please contact us!