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Do you have a fear of going to the dentist? More than the average person, perhaps? You might have dental anxiety. A person suffering from this may experience stress, fear, or anxiety in a dental setting. Dental anxiety can be triggered by drills, needles, or even the dental setting.

The good news is that you may relax knowing that at our office, we understand your concerns and treat each patient as if they were a member of our own family. We take the time to communicate with you and create trust so that you may feel peaceful and at ease throughout your consultation.

Why Might You Be Afraid?

Dentists are feared for a number of reasons. One of the reasons listed below may apply to you, or something altogether different.

Negative experiences: Consider the events of the past while investigating your dental anxiety. It isn’t even necessary to be in the dentist’s chair to create anxiety. It might be anything as simple as viewing a terrifying dental movie as a child. This perspective might distort reality and cause great apprehension about seeing the dentist.

Not in control: When they’re in the dentist’s chair, some people find it difficult to let go of control. For example, you may be unable to cope with the vulnerability and refuse to allow the dentist to take control.

Dental Avoidance Has Disadvantages:

It’s never a good idea to neglect routine check-ups, no matter how daunting going to the dentist may seem. Oral hygiene issues can lead to a range of unpleasant consequences. Here are some examples of what occurs when you procrastinate going to the dentist:

How To Overcome Dental Anxiety:

Positive experiences eliminating anxieties are one of the most powerful techniques for conquering fears. To do so, getting through the nervousness might be beneficial. These suggestions will help you overcome, or at the very least manage, your dental phobia so you can obtain the dental and general health treatment you require.

#1: Go With Someone You Trust:  If you know someone you care about is waiting for you in the waiting room, you’ll feel more at ease.

#2: Sedation Options: The relaxing effects of nitrous oxide and oral sedatives are appreciated by many patients. It’s even feasible to sleep your way through a difficult dental operation.

#3: Ask Questions: During a procedure, don’t be scared to ask the dentist to clarify what they’re doing. Often, just hearing a calming voice is enough to get you through dental procedures.

#4: Before you leave the office, schedule your next appointment: If you don’t have to call the office to make a follow-up appointment, you’re more likely to attend.

At Champion Dental we understand your fears and anxiety, and are here to help you overcome them! Book an appointment with us today and mention your anxiety and we will go out of our way to make you feel welcome and at ease!