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A dental check-up is beneficial, and you should have one every six months. People who get regular check-ups are less likely to have a serious dental problem that necessitates invasive treatment. That is only one advantage of having regular check-ups. There are plenty more also.

#1: Regular Dental Visits Prevent Gum Disease.

The majority of the time, the early stages of gum disease have no symptoms. This makes it difficult to detect gum disease in a person’s mouth. Fortunately, dentists are trained to detect gum disease even when it is trying to hide.

The dentist will check the gums for firmness during a routine check-up. Swelling, receding gums, and deep gum pockets will be examined. If the dentist discovers any of these concerning symptoms, the underlying cause will be treated.

The dentist will then clean the teeth and gums with a professional tooth cleaning to remove plaque and tartar. This will protect the teeth and gums from harmful bacteria that live in plaque and tartar.

#2: Routine Check-Ups Can Spot Systemic Health Problems

The head and neck exam are other components of dental check-ups. Swelling, lumps, deformities, and other symptoms of illness will be examined by the dentist in the lymph nodes, neck, and jaws. If a problem is discovered, the dentist will refer the patient to a medical professional.

#3: Dental Examinations Help To Prevent Plaque, Tartar, Cavities, And Tooth Decay.

Even the most conscientious person can overlook cleaning the hard-to-reach areas of their mouth. Back molars, for example, are notoriously difficult to clean. That is why everyone should visit the dentist every six months.

The dentist will examine the patient’s teeth for signs of early tooth decay. If the dentist discovers small cavities or white spots on the teeth, the patient will be started on fluoride treatment to reverse the decay and larger cavities will be treated with dental fillings.

The dentist will then clean the teeth and gums with a professional tooth cleaning to remove plaque and tartar. This will protect the teeth and gums from harmful bacteria that live in plaque and tartar.

#4: Dentists Perform Routine Check-Ups To Detect Oral Cancer.

A dentist will look for signs of oral cancer in their patient’s mouth in addition to examining their teeth and gums. This is fantastic news because undiagnosed oral cancer can progress to a life-threatening illness.

A special light is used by the dentist to look for dead tissue caused by tumours. The test is known as a VELscope cancer exam. It is painless and only takes a few minutes. A person who visits the dentist every six months has a low risk of developing late-stage oral cancer with this exam.

Your teeth are more likely to be healthy and strong if you have regular check-ups. They will serve you for the rest of your life. Make an appointment with us today