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Whether your glass is half-full or half-empty, drinking water is always beneficial to your health. Our bodies contain 60% water, therefore being hydrated aids in the distribution of healthy nutrients, the elimination of waste, the maintenance of a healthy shine on your skin, and the movement of your muscles. Drinking water, especially fluoridated water, is one of the finest things you can do for your teeth.

Keeps Your Mouth Clean:

While juice, soda, and sports drinks might help you wash down your supper, they can also leave unpleasant sugar on your teeth. Cavity-causing bacteria in your mouth like eating sugar and producing acid, which tears away enamel, the outer shell of your teeth. Many of these drinks contain acids (phosphoric, citrus, or malic acid) to make them taste less sweet, but these acids can also be harmful by eroding enamel.

Water, on the other hand, cleans your lips with each drink. It removes leftover food and residue, which cavity-causing bacteria seek out. It also helps to dilute the acids that bacteria in your mouth create. You’ll still need to brush for two minutes twice a day and floss between your teeth, but drinking water throughout the day can help maintain your teeth cavity-free.

Strengthens Enamel:

Did you know that the hardest material in the human body is the surface of your teeth? Enamel is 96% mineral and is harder than bone. Acidic meals and drinks, on the other hand, can swiftly weaken this crucial protection if you aren’t careful. Choose fluoridated tap water to safeguard your teeth from decay. Fluoride helps harden your enamel, making cavities more difficult to form, through a process known as remineralization. Consult your dentist about fluoride supplements if your local water source isn’t fluoridated.

Prevents Dry Mouth:

Your mouth’s first line of defence against tooth decay is saliva. It wipes away leftover food, makes swallowing easier, and strengthens your teeth with calcium, phosphate, and fluoride. A dry mouth might put you at risk for dental decay if your saliva supply is low. While you and your dentist strive to identify the best long-term solution for you, drinking water can help reduce your risk.

Water Is Good For You:

Sweetened beverages, which are heavy in sugar and calories, combine to create a perfect storm, putting you at risk for cavities as well as other negative repercussions such as weight gain. Drinking water, in fact, has been proved to aid weight loss in studies. So, the next time you need a drink, drink water guilt-free to protect your body and your smile.

Champion Dental can assist you with all your teeth concerns and treatments. To schedule an appointment, please contact us today. Champion dental can help you regain control of your dental health.