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At every check-up, your dentist reminds you to take care of your teeth and gums; it’s easy to make pledges and then leave without a second thought! But your dentist is correct: maintaining excellent dental health is critical for much more reasons than you would think.

What Is Poor Oral Hygiene?

Poor oral hygiene expresses itself in a variety of ways. Poor oral hygiene manifests itself in a variety of ways, including bleeding or swollen gums, toothaches, mouth growths, and changes to the surface of the tongue. Some patients demonstrate a number of frequent signs of poor oral hygiene. Here are some of the most prevalent symptoms of inadequate brushing, flossing, and other oral hygiene activities.

Heart Disease:

Patients who have periodontal disease run the danger of having bacteria and plaque enter their circulation through their gums, increasing their risk of heart disease and artery constriction. Blood flow problems and heart blockages can result from bacteria and plaque hardening and clogging arteries (atherosclerosis). The chance of a patient having a stroke can rise if the carotid artery is blocked by an abundance of oral bacteria.

Respiratory Problems:

Bacteria and plaque from periodontal disease can spread throughout the body and into the lungs, causing respiratory problems. Infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are caused by bacteria in the lungs (COPD).


Diabetes patients are frequently more prone to infections and periodontal disease. Periodontal disease can make controlling blood sugar levels more difficult, putting the patient at risk of diabetic complications. At the same time, gum disease raises blood sugar levels, thus a person with poor dental health is more likely to acquire diabetes.


Periodontal disease and gingivitis, according to experts, can cause dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Bacteria from the mouth can enter the nerve pathways or the circulation, causing brain cell death and memory loss.


If you smoke or use tobacco products, you’re undoubtedly well aware of the oral health consequences of the practice. Various than oral and throat malignancies, gum disease has been related to other forms of cancer. Poor dental health can also increase your chance of developing pancreatic cancer, kidney cancer, and blood malignancies.

How To Look After Your Teeth:

You’ve heard all the bad news, but isn’t it encouraging to know that by practising proper dental hygiene, you can avoid major health problems associated with poor oral health? We’ve put together a few hygiene guidelines to help you on your way to a healthy smile:

  • Brushing your teeth twice a day, morning and night are extremely important to your oral health.
  • Flossing furiously before your check-up does not contribute to your dental health! Make sure you floss between each tooth on a daily basis.
  • Avoid using tobacco products and smoking cigarettes: We understand that this is not an easy undertaking. Consult your primary care physician for advice and treatment.

If you have any concerns regarding your dental health, want more information about gum disease-related health issues, or would like to schedule an appointment, please call us today at Champion Dental!