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Invisalign is an alternative to braces and straightens teeth without the use of traditional metal braces. You can eat, work, and engage in social situations without feeling self-conscious, as the aligners are clear and practically invisible! But Invisalign’s advantages don’t end there. As the largest Invisalign provider in the Wellington region, Champion Dental can help with your orthodontic care!


Invisalign aligners are constructed of a transparent thermoplastic polymer that blends in with your teeth. It’s an excellent choice for people who don’t want others to know they’re wearing braces. Adult orthodontic patients, in particular, do not want treatment to be noticed, thankfully Invisalign allows your treatment to be more inconspicuous!


As your aligners are easily removable, your day-to-day life is significantly easier than with traditional braces. Brushing, flossing, eating and drinking are all a breeze, also meaning both the aligners and your teeth are very easy to keep clean!

There’s no need to be concerned about what you can and can’t consume, or about cleaning between the tight metal brackets. This is a huge benefit for those patients (and parents) who don’t want to make a conscious diet change at the same time. Simply take out your transparent Invisalign aligners and eat whatever you want!

Is Invisalign painful? 

Any treatment where the goal is to move or align teeth, no matter how minor, can cause some discomfort but we obviously do what we can to minimise this, thankfully unlike braces there are no metal brackets to irritate the inside of your mouth. Another benefit of Invisalign is that the aligners spread the force across more area, to alleviate concentrated pressure.

If you’d like to discuss Invisalign further, then please get in touch or make an appointment, the Champion Dental Team is ready to give you the smile you want. We even offer free consultations!