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Tooth Extraction

Why You Might Need A Tooth Removed

Here at Champion Dental our dentists always aim to restore your teeth with fillings, crowns or other methods. However, if the tooth is badly damaged and beyond repair it will likely require removal.

Some common causes why teeth need to be removed include severe decay or damage, infection, cysts, trauma, gum disease or when root canal treatment is not a viable option.

How Is The Tooth Removed?

At Champion Dental we will ensure your tooth removal is as comfortable as it possibly can be.

  • Firstly, we start with local anaesthetic to numb the area, so no pain is felt during the procedure
  • We prepare our patients and explain what they should expect during the process, such as sensation of pressure and sound effects
  • We strive to remove the tooth as quickly as possible, but sometimes if the tooth is more difficult – it may require a surgical extraction where a small amount of bone is removed, and sutures placed.
  • We will go over our post-operative care instructions and prescribe any pain relief we think you may need

Our experienced team can remove most teeth, but if the tooth or teeth are anticipated as being more difficult, or if you feel you might need some form of sedation, we will refer you to a specialist, as your comfort is what matters most.

Book A Dental Appointment

If you think you have a tooth that needs to be removed, or you’re in pain please give our friendly team a call. We would be more than happy to answer any questions and find the right solution for your problem.